Scheduling toolbox
21-Jan-2013: TORSCHE was downloaded 10 000 times.
02-Mar-2009: Video showing the link of scheduling and virtual reality published.
02-Jun-2008: TORSCHE was downloaded 2 000 times.
15-Oct-2007: TORSCHE was downloaded 1 000 times.
TORSCHE Scheduling Toolbox for Matlab

is a freely (GNU GPL) available toolbox, mainly dedicated for the utilization and development of the scheduling algorithms. TORSCHE has been developed at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Control Engineering.
Scheduling is a very popular discipline which importance is growing even faster in recent years. However, there is no tool which can be used for a complex scheduling algorithms design and verification. Therefore, our main goal was to develop such tool as a freely available toolbox for the Matlab environment.
The final version of our toolbox covers the following areas of scheduling: scheduling on monoprocessor/dedicated processors/parallel processors, cyclic scheduling and real-time scheduling. Furthermore, particular attention is dedicated to graphs and graph algorithms due to their important interconnection with scheduling theory. The toolbox offers transparent representation of scheduling/graph problems, various scheduling/graph algorithms, a useful graphical editor of graphs, an interface for Integer Linear Programming and an interface to TrueTime (MATLAB/Simulink based simulator of the temporal behaviour). The toolbox is supplemented by several examples of real applications.
The tool is written in the Matlab object oriented programming language and it is used in Matlab environment as a toolbox.
TORSCHE is used at the folowing universities
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Faculty of comptures & information Cairo University
- Dept Informatique Scientifique, IFP, CEDI René Navarre, Vernaison - France
- Department of Management Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- College of Technology, University of Houston
- Gdansk University of Technology
- Faculty of Engineering, Mutah University, Jordan
If you use TORSCHE Scheduling Toolbox for Matlab, please send us email with your experience.
Further development
The TORSCHE toolbox provides the basic data structures and methods for the development mainly in the area of scheduling. Should you need a detailed solution for a specific optimization problem, it is either possible to implement it in the toolbox, or contact us and ask for possible cooperation. Besides the support from the university, we cooperate with companies like Merica, where the optimization algorithms are being developed and integrated into the bigger information systems for planning and scheduling.
This toolbox was devoloped by people from Centre for Applied Cybernetics, Department of Control Engeneering, Czech Technical University in Prague.