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Head orientation monitor


This application calculates the orientation of the head wearing the Google Glass. The result can be seen by connecting to the glass with the web browser. The page shows a 3D model that rotates in real-time the same way as the user moves his head.

A simple webserver starts in the Google Glass right after the application is launched. The user can then access the generated webpage via web browser on the Glass IP address, port 8080 and index.html file. For example:

For now, the orientation is calculated by a simple integration of data from gyroscope. Therefore, after some time the presented orientation becomes inaccurate.


  • Open web browser on address http://IP_OF_GLASS:8080/index.html, select the type of view (fullscreen or detailed), move your head and see the pumkin following the orientation of your head.
  • An application menu can be opened by tapping the touchpad.
  • Select Calibration in the application menu to reset the reference coordinates.
  • Select Stop in the application menu to exit the application.


  1. Prepare directory structure for webserver data

    adb shell mkdir -p /mnt/sdcard/webserver/sensormonitor
  2. Download webserver files package
  3. Push webserver files to the Google Glass into prepared directory

    adb push /path-to-the-exracted-package/webserver/ /mnt/sdcard/webserver/sensormonitor/
  4. Download installation package for XE16 or installation package for XE22
  5. Install the application

    adb install HeadPositionMonitor_XExx.apk


Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass


Updates history

01-16-2015 - Installation package updated for firmware XE22
05-13-2014 - Installation package updated for Android KitKat
03-11-2014 - Better web page design, more accurate orientation visualisation.
03-04-2014 - Cube model changed to the new model: 3D pumpkin.
02-17-2014 - First version uploaded

IP address getter


This application reads MAC, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the Google Glass wlan port.


  • The application menu can be openned by tapping the touchpad.
  • Select Get IP address to obtain the IP and MAC addresses. Slide down to return back to the main screen.
  • Select Stop in the application menu to exit the application.


  1. For XE12 firmware version download installation package
  2. or for XE16 installation package
  3. or for XE22 and higher download installation package
  4. Install the application

    adb install IpAddressGetterXE12.apk

    adb install IpAddressGetterXE16.apk

    adb install IpAddressGetterXE22.apk


Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass

Updates history

01-16-2015 - Version for firmware XE22 and higher added
05-16-2014 - Version for firmware XE16 added
05-13-2014 - Compatibility description added
02-17-2014 - First version uploaded

Schedule viewer


This application brings hands free viewing and modifying of schedules of eployees, for example on the airport.

The application periodicaly fetches data from a rostering server and views them to the operator in form of table. Employees are in the rows and their scheduled tasks are in the columns. The employee is presented by an avatar, his/her initials drawn in different colors, which identify the area of the eployee, and numeric identifier. The tasks are presented as a rectangle filled with different colors, which identifiy the class of the activity, the name of the activity and numeric identifier of the activity. There is also a timeline and time cursor pointing at actual time.

Operator wearing glass can control the application by touchpod, which is used for vertical and horizontal scrolling of the table and invoking the menu by tapping. In the menu, when Voice command is selected, the application waits for voice commands.

Voice commands

  • show user user_id - shows a dialog with information about the employee
  • show activity act_id - shows a dialog with information about the activity
  • move act_id user_id - sends command to the server to move activity to specified user
  • delete act_id - sends command to the server to remove activity from the user.

When move or delete command is said, the server received the data and returns an error message, which is presented to the operator, or new modified schedule.


  • The application menu can be openned by tapping the touchpad.
  • Select Voice command to listen for the commands.
  • Select Stop in the application menu to exit the application.


Installation package is not available for public. If you are interrested, contact us.


Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass


Updates history

07-15-2014 - First version uploaded

Sky map


This application demonstrates vector graphic performance and the ability of controlling the application by moving the head.

The display shows the map of constellations on the sky and the user can zoom in/out by sliding the touchpad or move the map by moving his head.

By default tha map od the sky os shown, but another two scenes can be selected in the application menu:

  • Show lines - display scene of the grid created by simple lines. All diagonal columns contain a bitmap string.
  • Show schematic - display a schematic of an electric circuit. The schematic is loaded from the SVG file. HW acceleration is disabled for this scene because of some bug in Accelerator driver in the Android, so this demo is running with very low FPS.

The scenes are loaded asynchronously when the applicatin starts, so Show lines and Show schematic can be unavailable for 10 seconds after thr app is launched.


  • Move your head to move the map.
  • Zoom in/out by sliding backward/forward on the touchpad.
  • An application menu can be opened by tapping the touchpad.
  • Select Reset in the application menu to reset zoom ratio and map position to the initial one.
  • Select Show stars / Show lines / Show schematic to toggle between the scenes.
  • Select Stop in the application menu to exit the application.


  1. Download the installation package for XE16 or installation package for XE22
  2. Install the application

    adb install SkymapXExx.apk


Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass Miniature of a screenshot from Google Glass


Updates history

01-16-2015 - Installation package updated for firmware XE22
05-13-2014 - Installation package updated for Android KitKat
03-20-2014 - Bug in scene switching repaired 03-11-2014 - Two other scenes and asynchronous loading added.
02-17-2014 - First version uploaded