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Principal Investigator of Roboprox project, JAC Programme on Excellent Research professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics Industrial Informatics Department, building A, room 514 and videos Jugoslavskych partyzanu 1580/3, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic https://rtime.ciirc.cvut.cz/~hanzalek/ zdenek.hanzalek(at)cvut.cz |
Journal papers
Grus, J. - Hanzalek, Z.: Automated placement of analog integrated circuits using priority-based constructive heuristic, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 167, 106643, July 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2024.106643.
Rohaninejad, M. - Vahedi-Nouri, B. - Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. - Hanzalek, Z.: A matheuristic approach for an integrated lot-sizing and scheduling problem with a period-based learning effect, Expert Systems With Applications, article in press.
Sohrabi, F. - Rohaninejad, M. - Bems, J. - Hanzalek, Z.: Electrification of Transportation: A Hybrid Benders/SDDP Algorithm for Optimal Charging Station Trading, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 89, Pages 1060-1074, November 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.09.345.
Hanzalek, Z. - Zahora, J. - Sojka, M.: Cone Slalom with Automated Sports Car - Trajectory Planning Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 362-374, Jan. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3309554.
Vahedi-Nouri, B. - Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. - Hanzalek, Z. - Dolgui, A.: Production Scheduling in a Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Benefiting from Human-Robot Collaboration, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 62, Issue 3, Pages 767-783, 2024, doi: 10.1080/00207543.2023.2173503.
Rohaninejad, M. - Hanzalek, Z.: Multi-level lot-sizing and job shop scheduling with lot-streaming: Reformulation and solution approaches, International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 263, Article 108958, September 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2023.108958.
Bouska, M. - Sucha, P. - Novak, A. - Hanzalek, Z.: Deep learning-driven scheduling algorithm for a single machine problem minimizing the total tardiness, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 308, Issue 3, 1 August 2023, Pages 990-1006, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2022.11.034.
Rohaninejad, M. - Janota, M. - Hanzalek, Z.: Integrated lot-sizing and scheduling: Mitigation of uncertainty in demand and processing time by machine learning, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 118, Article 105676, February 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2022.105676.
Heinz, V. - Novak, A.- Vlk, M. - Hanzalek, Z.: Constraint Programming and constructive heuristics for parallel machine scheduling with sequence-dependent setups and common servers, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 172, Part A, Article 108586, October 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.cie.2022.108586.
Vahedi-Nouri, B. - Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. - Hanzalek, Z. - Dolgui, A.: Workforce planning and production scheduling in a reconfigurable manufacturing system facing the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 63, Pages 563-574, April 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2022.04.018.
Novak, A. - Hanzalek, Z.: Computing the execution probability of jobs with replication in mixed-criticality schedules, Annals of Operations Research, 309:209232, January 2022, doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04445-x.
Hejl, L. - Sucha, P. - Novak, A. - Hanzalek, Z.: Minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs on a single machine: strongly correlated instances, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 298, Issue 2, 16 April 2022, Pages 413-424, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.07.002.
Vlk, M. - Brejchova, K. - Hanzalek, Z. - Tang, S.: Large-Scale Periodic Scheduling in Time-Sensitive Networks, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 137, January 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2021.105512.
Rohaninejad, M. - Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. - Vahedi-Nouri, B. - Hanzalek, Z. - Shirazian, S.: A hybrid learning-based meta-heuristic algorithm for scheduling an additive manufacturing system consisting of parallel SLM machines, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 60, Issue 20, Pages 6205-6225, 2022, doi: 10.1080/00207543.2021.1987550.
Novak, A. - Sucha, P. - Novotny, M. - Stec, R. - Hanzalek, Z.: Scheduling jobs with normally distributed processing times on parallel machines, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 297, Issue 2, 1 March 2022, Pages 422-441, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.05.011.
Modos, I. - Sucha, P. - Hanzalek, Z.: On parallel dedicated machines scheduling under energy consumption limit, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 159, September 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107209.
Minaeva, A. - Roy, D. - Akesson, B. - Hanzálek, Z. - Chakraborty, S.: Control Performance Optimization for Application Integration on Automotive Architectures, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 1059 - 1073, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/TC.2020.3003083.
Vlk, M. - Hanzalek, Z. - Tang, S.: Constraint programming approaches to joint routing and scheduling in time-sensitive networks, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 157, July 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107209.
Benedikt, O. - Alikoc, B. - Sucha, P. - Celikovsky, S. - Hanzalek, Z.: A polynomial-times cheduling approach to minimise idle energy consumption: an application to an industrial furnace, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 128, April 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2020.105167.
Minaeva, A. - Hanzalek, Z.: Survey on Periodic Scheduling for Time-Triggered Hard Real-Time Systems, ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 54, Issue 1, March 2021, Article 23, Pages 23:1-23:32, doi: 10.1145/3431232.
Vahedi-Nouri, B. - Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. - Hanzalek, Z. - Arbabi, H. - Rohaninejad, M.: Incorporating order acceptance, pricing and equity considerations in the scheduling of cloud manufacturing systems: Matheuristic methods, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 59, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 2009-2027, doi: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1806370.
Benedikt, O. - Modos, I. - Hanzalek, Z.: Power of Pre-Processing: Production Scheduling with Variable Energy Pricing and Power-Saving States, Constraints, Volume 25, Issue 3-4, November 2020, Pages 300318, doi: 10.1007/s10601-020-09317-y.
Vlk, M. - Hanzalek, Z. - Brejchova, K. - Tang, S. - Bhattacharjee, S. - Fu, S.: Enhancing Schedulability and Throughput of Time-Triggered Traffic in IEEE 802.1Qbv Time-Sensitive Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 68, Issue 11, November 2020, Pages 7023-7038, doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2020.3014105.
Hanen, C. - Hanzálek, Z.: Grouping Tasks to Save Energy in a Cyclic Scheduling Problem: a Complexity Study, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 284, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 445-459, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.01.005, Elsevier.
Ahmad, A. - Hanzálek, Z.: An Energy Efficient Distributed TDMA Scheduling Algorithm for ZigBee-Like Cluster-Tree WSNs, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Volume 16, Issue 1, February 2020, Pages 1-41, doi: 10.1145/3360722, ACM.
Novák, A. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: Scheduling with Uncertain Processing Times in Mixed-criticality Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 279, Issue 3, December 2019, Pages 687-703, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.05.038, Elsevier.
Matějka, J. - Forsberg, B. - Sojka, M. - ůcha, P. - Benini, L. - Marongiu, A. - Hanzálek, Z.: Combining PREM Compilation and Static Scheduling for High-Performance and Predictable MPSoC Execution, Parallel Computing, Volume 85, July 2019, Pages 27-44, doi: 10.1016/j.parco.2018.11.002.
Dvořák, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: Multi-variant scheduling of critical time-triggered communication in incremental development process: Application to FlexRay, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 68 , Issue: 1 , Jan. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2018.2879920.
Bukata, L. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: Optimizing Energy Consumption of Robotic Cells by a Branch & Bound Algorithm, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 102, February 2019, Pages 52-66, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2018.09.012.
Václavík, R. - Novák, A. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: Accelerating the Branch-and-Price Algorithm Using Machine Learning, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 271, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 1055-1069, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.046, Elsevier.
Minaeva, A - Akesson, B. - Hanzálek, Z. - Dasari, D.: Time-Triggered Co-Scheduling of Computation and Communication with Jitter Requirements, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 67, Issue 1, Jan. 2018 , Pages 115-129, doi: 10.1109/TC.2017.2722443, errata.
Ahmad, A. - Hanzálek, Z.: An Energy Efficient Schedule for IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee Cluster Tree WSN with Multiple Collision Domains and Period Crossing Constraint, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 12-23, doi: 10.1109/TII.2017.2725907.
Dürr, Ch. - Hanzálek, Z. - Konrad, Ch. - Seddik, Y. - Sitters, R. - Vásquez, Ó. - Woeginger, G.: The triangle scheduling problem, Journal of Scheduling, June 2018, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp 305312, doi: 10.1007/s10951-016-0468-y, Springer.
Módos, I. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: Algorithms for robust production scheduling with energy consumption limits, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 112, October 2017, Pages 391-408, doi: 10.1016/j.cie.2017.08.011, Elsevier.
Seddik, Y. - Hanzálek, Z.: Match-up scheduling of mixed-criticality jobs: maximizing the probability of jobs execution, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 262, Issue 1, October 2017, Pages 46-59, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.03.054, Elsevier.
Bukata, L. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z. - Burget, P.: Energy Optimization of Robotic Cells, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2017, Pages 92-102, doi: 10.1109/TII.2016.2626472. Grade 1 Publication Result in Natural Sciences of the national evaluation Methodology 17+.
Hanzálek, Z. - ůcha, P.: Time Symmetry of Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with General Temporal Constraints and Take-give Resources, Annals of Operations Research, January 2017, Volume 248, Issue 1, Pages 209237, doi: 10.1007/s10479-016-2184-6, corrections doi: 10.1007/s10479-017-2704-z, Springer.
Módos, I. - ůcha, P. - Václavík, R. - Smejkal, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: Adaptive online scheduling of tasks with anytime property on heterogeneous resources, Computers & Operations Research, December 2016, Volume 76, Pages 95117, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2016.06.008, Elsevier.
Václavík, R. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: Roster evaluation based on classifiers for the nurse rostering problem, Journal of Heuristics, October 2016, Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages 667697, doi: 10.1007/s10732-016-9314-9, Springer.
Dvořák, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: Using Two Independent Channels with Gateway for FlexRay Static Segment Scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, October 2016, Volume 12, Issue 5, Pages 1887-1895, doi: 10.1109/TII.2016.2571667.
Hanzálek, Z. - Tunys T. - ůcha, P.: An Analysis of the Non-preemptive Mixed-criticality Match-up Scheduling Problem, Journal of Scheduling, October 2016, Volume 19, Issue 5, pp 601607, doi: 10.1007/s10951-016-0468-y, Springer.
Bäumelt, Z. - Dvořák, J. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: A Novel Approach for Nurse Rerostering based on a Parallel Algorithm, European Journal of Operational Research, June 2016, Volume 251, Issue 2, Pages 624639, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.11.022, Elsevier.
Minaeva, A - ůcha, P. - Akesson, B. - Hanzálek, Z.: Scalable and Efficient Configuration of Time-Division Multiplexed Resources, Journal of Systems and Software, March 2016, Volume 113, Pages 4458, doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2015.11.019, Elsevier.
Hanzálek, Z. - Hanen, C.: Impact of core precedences in a Cyclic RCPSP with Precedence Delays, Journal of Scheduling, doi: 10.1007/s10951-014-0399-4, Volume 18, Issue 3, June 2015, Pages 275-284, Springer.
Bukata, L. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: Solving the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Using the Parallel Tabu Search Designed for the CUDA Platform, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, doi:10.1016/j.jpdc.2014.11.005, Volume 77, March 2015, Pages 5868, Elsevier.
Bäumelt, Z. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: A Multistage Approach for an Employee Timetabling Problem with a High Diversity of Shifts as a Solution for a Strongly Varying Workforce Demand, Computers & Operations Research, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2014.03.019, Volume 49, September 2014, Pages 117-129, Elsevier.
Trdlička, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: In-Network Distributed Algorithm for Energy Optimal Routing based on Dual Decomposition of Linear Programming, IEEE Transactions on Communications, doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2012.041212.110166, Volume 60, Issue 6, Pages 1634 - 1645, June 2012.
Čapek, R. - ůcha, P. - Hanzálek, Z.: Production Scheduling with Alternative Process Plans, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 217, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 300311, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2011.09.018, Elsevier.
Trdlička, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: Distributed Algorithm for Real-Time Energy Optimal Routing based on Dual Decomposition of Linear Programming. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2012, 13 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/346163.
pinka, O. - Holub, O. - Hanzálek, Z.: Low-Cost Reconfigurable Control System for Small UAVs. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. doi: 10.1109/TIE.2009.2030827, Volume 58, Number 3, Pages 880-889, March 2011.
Sojka, M.- Pisa,P. - Faggioli, D. - Cucinotta, T. - Checconi, F. - Hanzalek, Z. - Lipari, G.: Modular Software Architecture for Flexible Reservation Mechanisms on Heterogeneous Resources, Journal of Systems Architecture, 2011, vol. 57, no. 4, p. 366-382, doi:10.1016/j.sysarc.2011.02.005, Elsevier.
Kelbel, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: Solving production scheduling with earliness/tardiness penalties by constraint programming. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2011, vol. 22, no. 4, p. 553-562, doi 10.1007/s10845-009-0318-2, Springer.
ůcha, P., Hanzálek, Z.: A Cyclic Scheduling Problem with an Undetermined Number of Parallel Identical Processors. Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 48, Number 1, p. 71-90, January 2011, doi: 10.1007/s10589-009-9239-4, Springer.
Waszniowski, L. - Hanzálek, Z. - Doubrava, J.: Aircraft Control System Validation via Hardware-in-the Loop Simulation, Journal of Aircraft, vol. 48, issue: 4, Pages: 1466-1468 , July-August 2011, doi: 10.2514/1.C031229, AIAA.
Hanzálek, Z. - Burget, P. - ůcha, P.: Profinet IO IRT Message Scheduling with Temporal Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, doi: 10.1109/TII.2010.2052819, Volume 6, Number 3, Pages 369 - 380, August 2010.
Hanzálek, Z. - Jurčík, P.: Energy efficient scheduling for cluster-tree Wireless Sensor Networks with time-bounded data flows: application to IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. doi: 10.1109/TII.2010.2050144, Volume 6, Number 3, Pages 438 - 450, August 2010.
pinka, O. - Akesson, J. - Hanzálek, Z. - Arzen, K.: Open Physical Models in Control Engineering Education. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 2010, vol. 47, no. 4, p. 448-459, Manchester University Press.
Trdlička, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: Distributed Multi-Commodity Network Flow Algorithm for Energy Optimal Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Radioengineering. 2010, vol. 2010, no. 4, p. 579-588. ISSN 1210-2512.
Waszniowski, L. - Krákora, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: Case Study on Distributed and Fault Tolerant System Modelling Based on Timed Automata. Journal of Systems and Software. Volume 82, Issue 10, October 2009, Pages 1678-1694, doi:10.1016/j.jss.2009.04.042, Elsevier.
Krákora, J. - Hanzálek, Z.: FPGA Based Tester Tool for Hybrid Real-Time Systems. Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design. November 2008, vol. 32, no. 8, p. 447-459, doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2008.07.003, Elsevier Science.
ůcha, P., Hanzálek, Z.: Deadline Constrained Cyclic Scheduling on Pipelined Dedicated Processors Considering Multiprocessor Tasks and Changeover Times, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 47, Issues 9-10, May 2008, p. 925-942, doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2007.05.009, Pergamon-Elsevier Science.
Waszniowski, L. - Hanzálek, Z.: Formal Verification of Multitasking Applications Based on Timed Automata Model, Real-Time Systems, Volume 38, Number 1, January, 2008, p. 39-65, doi: 10.1007/s11241-007-9036-z, Springer.
ůcha, P., Hanzálek, Z., Heřmánek, A., Schier, J.: Scheduling of Iterative Algorithms with Matrix Operations for Efficient FPGA Design - Implementation of Finite Interval Constant Modulus Algorithm, The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Volume 46, Number 1, January, 2007, p. 35-53, doi:10.1007/s11265-006-0004-y, Springer.
Conference papers
Patents and recent application results
Book chapters
Technical Reports