Zdenek Hanzalek, Tomas Tunys

On Non-Preemptive Mixed-Criticality Scheduling


Abstract: The paper deals with a problem of the scheduling of mixed-criticality real-time task sets on a uniprocessor without preemption. Although this problem does not attract as much attention (if any) as its preemptive counterpart, we present a new motivation for its study. On the basis of the current 'state of the art' in the mixed-criticality scheduling our problem is formulated. The problem is also formulated using integer linear programming and the computational complexity analysis of a related problem is provided as well. The work contains, last but not least, a description of two metaheuristic methods used to solve the mixed-criticality scheduling problem as well as a method generating mixed-criticality instances..

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User Guide 1.0 09/07/2013 pdf
Documentation, binaries, tests, source code 1.0 09/07/2013 zip